Campus Directory | Staff

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Phillip Cordell [email protected] The Mill 717-749-6087
Anita Crawford [email protected]
Director of Public Relations & Marketing, Public Relations and Marketing
George Perry House, 204 717.749.6112
Lisa DeGregorio [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs
Veteran Certifying Official, Veterans' Affairs
Conklin Hall, 209 717-749-6094
Rhonda Everett [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Building Operations
Physical Plant 717-749-6226
Rusty Fleming [email protected]
Assistant Coach, Women's Volleyball
MAC, 124B 717-497-2512
Loretta Gates [email protected]
Food Service Production Worker B, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Darlene Giasomo [email protected]
Food Service Production Worker, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Katrina Giffin [email protected]
Financial Assistant, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Christopher Gilbert [email protected]
Officer, Police Services
Police Services 717-749-6070
Patricia Gochenauer [email protected]
Student Services Manager , Student Affairs
Career Counselor, Career Services
Conklin, 207 717-749-6104
Thomas Gracik [email protected]
Part-time Sales Support, Housing and Food Services
Jessica Green [email protected]
Food Service Production Worker B, Housing and Food Services
Ronald Harshman [email protected]
Heating and Ventilation Technician, Building Operations
Physical Plant 717-749-6226
Randy Hood [email protected]
Head Coach, Women's Volleyball
MAC, 124B 717-448-5079
Terri Hoover [email protected]
Academic Specialist & Writing Consultant , Academic Support Center
Tutor, English
General Studies Building, 101
Logan Horst [email protected]
Assistant Coach, Women's Soccer
MAC, 124B 717-404-0819
Dirk Hough [email protected]
Officer, Police Services
Police Services 717-749-6070
Bobby Ingram [email protected]
Assistant Coach, Men's Basketball
MAC, 124B 240-344-8017
Elise Jackson [email protected]
Assistant Program Coordinator, Career Services
Bradley Kendall [email protected]
Supervisor of Maintenance and Operations, Building Operations
Physical Plant 717-749-4114