
Family posing with female reporter

Linda Thomas Worthy, right back row, and her family -- left, Marvin Worthy, and Tayla Worthy, front -- pose for a picture with ABC's Linsey Davis, center. 

Credit: Provided


Linda L. Thomas Worthy, her husband, Marvin Worthy, 和富兰克林县地方检察官马特·福格尔参加了时长两小时的“六月节:我们一起胜利——一个民族的灵魂”特别活动,时长超过8分钟,” which aired June 18 on ABC. 沃斯夫妇的采访是6月16日《欧博官网app下载》(Good Morning America)的封面故事, 它是6月19日的缩写,是为了纪念1865年美国废除奴隶制的日子. The celebration, considered the longest-running African American holiday, 两年半前,亚伯拉罕·林肯总统发布了《欧博官网app下载》,宣布所有在反叛联邦的州被关押为奴隶的人都将获得自由.

On June 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday.


“I think of it as an opportunity for us to celebrate our liberation, our freedom, in a way that is meaningful to us,” said Thomas Worthy, 谁拥有教育学博士学位和社会学硕士学位, plus a bachelor of arts in sociology. “Making it a national holiday just gave it more momentum. I can see a lot of African Americans catching on to Juneteenth.”

She was contacted in late May by Alan Goldberg, 她在ABC新闻担任芭芭拉·沃尔特斯(Barbara Walters)的首席制片人近20年,现在是CBS新闻《欧博官网app下载》和Showtime节目《欧博体育官网》的制片人. He wanted to do a story about allyship, 通过这种方式,特权阶层与边缘群体合作,打破基本权利的障碍, to ensure equal access and ability to succeed. When Goldberg was searching the web for sources, 他在7月15日的《欧博官网app下载》上看到了一篇报道, 2020, 题目是“黑人的命也重要,揭示了美国小镇的什么”.在那个讲述白人为黑人争取正义的故事中,有沃斯夫妇和福格尔夫妇.

The Worthys are co-founders of Racial Reconciliation, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, a 501(c)(3) organization whose work is touted as a movement, not a moment. It is a community that, according to its website (racialreconciliationfc.org),“培养、装备和动员人们为富兰克林县及其他地区的种族正义而努力。.”

Fogal, who is white, has been outspoken against racism, 甚至在他2020年6月发表的一份声明遭到抵制后,他将政治派别从共和党改为独立派. It read, in part, “Black Lives Matter. 我承认,当我第一次听到这句话时,我的第一反应是“所有的生命都很重要”.' I was wrong, and part of the problem. … It is not enough to avoid being a racist. I humbly submit that it is likewise not enough to be anti-racist. It is about actual, meaningful change.这一声明是由富兰克林县围绕乔治·弗洛伊德之死的和平抗议活动引发的, 5月25日,一名黑人男子在明尼阿波利斯被一名白人警察的膝盖压在脖子上超过9分钟后死亡.

沃西说,接受《欧博官网app下载》和电视采访“都是非常光荣的经历”,” but their focuses were different. 报纸上的这篇特写揭示了反对种族主义和警察暴行的有机抗议活动, while the TV special had more of a celebratory note, focusing on strides that have been made in race relations.

“I thought the two topics were different, but both had their place and both were very important,” said Thomas Worthy, 钱伯斯堡富兰克林县房屋管理局的执行董事是谁, Pennsylvania.

Thomas Worthy and her husband, a candidate for mayor in Chambersburg, 在ABC对林茜·戴维斯的采访录下来之前有电话采访和Zoom会议吗, an anchor for “ABC News Live Prime” and “World News Tonight.他们于6月10日和11日在钱伯斯堡的格兰特街阁楼与戴维斯会面, at the Worthys’ home and in their neighborhood.

几个小时的谈话和录像被浓缩成一个长达8点13分的片段,内容是去年黑人社区和小城镇白人邻居之间建立的伙伴关系, 以及城市地区的黑人和亚裔美国宗教领袖.

托马斯·沃西说:“整个剧组都是非凡的:善良的人,非常专业。. “There was no pretense. You could tell they wanted a genuine story.”

6月18日,她被告知她和她的丈夫将出现在《欧博官网app下载》节目中,” Thomas Worthy’s response was “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“GMA is a very different kind of audience,” Thomas Worthy said, 并补充说,他们很高兴钱伯斯堡在全国范围内为团结不同种族和文化的人们所做的工作而感到兴奋.

在直播中,沃斯夫妇穿着黑色t恤,上面写着“选择爱”. No exceptions. An anti-racism movement.” They talked candidly about how their daughter, Tayla Worthy, 11, 在她的学术、舞蹈和其他活动中,她是唯一的黑人学生, and their family is usually the only Black family at local events. 托马斯·沃西分享了她的梦想,希望她的女儿长大后不会像她那样经历种族主义和排斥.

“We can make America be the way it needs to be, for all of us,” Thomas Worthy said in the Juneteenth special.

During a telephone interview after the ABC special aired, 托马斯·沃西说,她和她的丈夫知道他们想如何向广大的电视观众展示自己.

“We were going to be truthful and authentic. 我们不会呈现一些虚假的叙述,”托马斯·沃西说. “让我们尽可能保持乐观,但也要诚实,”沃斯夫妇决定. “We have some challenges, and we have some successes.”


“We can’t be the only ones doing this work,” Thomas Worthy said. “We need everybody contributing. There’s a place for everyone.”

To watch the segment featuring the Worthy family, go to http://abcnews.go.com/us/video/people-working-build-allyship-black-communities-face-resistance-78369449.

要阅读《欧博官网app下载》采访沃斯夫妇的那篇报道,请访问 www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/us/black-lives-matter-protests-small-towns.html.

For more information about Racial Reconciliation, go to racialreconciliationfc.org; www.facebook.com/racialreconciliationfc.