President Barron celebrates Penn State's compassionate students in latest blog

Lions Pantry volunteer

Penn State student Julia Loftus donates her time by helping to sort through food and stock shelves at The Lion’s Pantry. The Lion's Pantry welcomes donations of nonperishable foods, financial gifts, and time from volunteers throughout the Penn State community.

Credit: Patrick Mansell

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Whether it’s through class gifts focused on student mental health and food insecurity or their everyday commitment to supporting student wellness and helping those in need, Penn State President Eric Barron highlights the many ways that Penn State students show care and compassion for their peers in his latest blog.

“What I find remarkable is that Penn State’s student body, as well as its leaders, are signaling their empathy for their fellow students and demonstrating that our priorities should be driven by the wellness of all,” Barron wrote.

To read the full blog, visit