
As virus cases rise across the state and nation, 敦促学生在最后一周的面对面学习中遵循所有公共卫生指导
Pillar in back of HUB

还没有参加离境测试的学生也被鼓励报名参加离境测试, 这是大学在所有校区免费提供给学生的吗. 学生现在可以通过欧博体育官网Go应用程序上的“返乡事件”或访问virusinfo来安排离校测试.fc-daudenzell.com/departure-testing.

Credit: Chris Koleno

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. 欧博体育官网公布了11月27日冠状病毒初步检测结果. 6 to 12 on its COVID-19 dashboard today (Nov. 13). 11月,大学公园校区共收到163例按需检测阳性结果和8例随机检测阳性结果. 6 to 12. 

As of Nov. 在大学公园(University Park),有319起活跃的学生案件,比11月的275起有所增加. 10名学生和4 009名学生已完成隔离期,不再是活跃病例. 11月期间,大学公园的员工中也有5名新员工的按需检测结果呈阳性. 6 to 12. The five new employee cases are not believed to be related, 受影响的个人正在自我隔离,正在通过接触者追踪确定密切接触者. 

As virus cases continue to rise statewide, 欧博体育官网认识到,尼塔尼山医疗中心与covid -19相关的住院治疗正在增加, 大学正在密切监测情况,并就医院的能力和住院人数与医院进行日常沟通. 

Tests administered later in the week are still pending results, 这可能需要48小时或更长时间,并将包含在周二的仪表板更新中, Nov. 17.

The data for the week of Oct. 30 to Nov. 随着额外的测试结果的到来和验证,5也进行了更新. The dashboard, when updated and posted with new data, 只是该时间点的快照,不能视为最终报告,因为11月11日的测试结果仍未确定. 6 to 12 time period.


大学公园按需学生测试阳性结果11 13 2020
Credit: Penn State

University Park Random Student Testing Positive Results by Week:

大学公园随机学生测试阳性结果11 13 2020
Credit: Penn State

Commonwealth Campus Test Results

Since the last update on Tuesday (Nov. 10),仪表板显示下列校园地点的新生测试结果:

  • Abington: one random testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12 
  • 阿尔图纳:11月11日,7例按需检测呈阳性,1例随机检测呈阳性. 6 to 12
  • 贝伦德(伊利):11月11日期间,9例按需检测阳性,1例随机检测阳性. 6 to 12
  • Brandywine: one on-demand testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12
  • 哈里斯堡:11月11日,1例按需检测呈阳性,2例随机检测呈阳性. 6 to 12
  • Hazleton: one on-demand testing positive for the period of Oct. 30 to Nov. 5
  • Hershey: one random testing positive for the period of Oct. 30 to Nov. 5 and one random testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12
  • Mont Alto: one random testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12
  • 斯库尔基尔:11月11日期间有3例按需检测呈阳性. 6 to 12


  • Abington: one on-demand testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12
  • Behrend (Erie): one random testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12
  • Dickinson Law: one random testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12
  • Hershey: one on-demand testing positive for the period of Oct. 23 to 29. This case was previously coded incorrectly as a student case. 
  • Mont Alto: one random testing positive for the period of Nov. 6 to 12

“随着全州和全国的COVID-19病例数量继续增加, we are seeing this same trend on many of our campuses,” said Kelly Wolgast, director of Penn State’s COVID-19 Operations Control Center. “With one week left of in-person classes, 我们必须继续保持谨慎,并遵守所有关于戴口罩的公共卫生准则, social distancing and avoiding large gatherings. In particular, while students should continue with their normal class routines, 我们建议他们在下周回国之前尽可能进行自我隔离,以减少接触病毒的风险.”

还没有参加离境测试的学生也被鼓励报名参加离境测试, 这是大学在所有校区免费提供给学生的吗. 学生现在可以通过欧博体育官网Go应用程序上的“返乡事件”或访问网站来安排离境测试 virusinfo.fc-daudenzell.com/departure-testing.

All students who test positive are being placed in isolation and, through systematic University contact tracing, 正在查明受感染个体的密切接触者并对其进行检查 must remain in quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with the infected individual.

我们敦促担心接触COVID-19或出现症状的学生利用大学的医疗保健资源寻求检测并促进接触者追踪. 在大学公园,学生可以使用 myUHS online. 其他与2019冠状病毒病有关的服务,可浏览保健处网页 http://studentaffairs.fc-daudenzell.com/health. Commonwealth Campus students should contact their campus’ health care services. 对所有其他COVID-19主题有疑问的人应致电欧博体育官网COVID-19响应中心814-865-2121.

欧博体育官网的专家正在继续追踪当前的趋势,并持续监测当地的情况, state and national disease data. 该大学正与宾夕法尼亚州教育和卫生部的官员密切合作, as well as local public and private organizations, 仔细监测中心县冠状病毒的流行情况,以确定病毒是否正在从校园社区转移到当地社区, if so, to develop strategies to mitigate such spread.

To continue on-campus learning, work and other activities through the fall semester, it’s vital that students, 所有校园和邻近社区的教职员工都在尽自己的一份力量来限制COVID-19的传播,并支持这一努力。”Mask Up or Pack Up.” The University urges everyone to continue to wear face masks, practice social distancing and avoid gatherings entirely.

查看欧博体育官网应对冠状病毒大流行的最新动态和欧博官网app下载, including frequently asked questions and information specific for students, faculty and staff, visit virusinfo.fc-daudenzell.com.