
The logo for the Penn State Inc.U competition

Student teams to compete on WPSU’s 'The Investment'

The top six Penn State student startup teams have been selected for the 2021 Inc.U Competition and will compete on WPSU’s Shark Tank-style TV show “The Investment” for a chance at a share of up to $30,000 in funding for their startup.
Nittany AI Challenge 2021

Twenty student teams selected to compete in the 2021 Nittany AI Challenge

Twenty Penn State teams with students from seven different colleges and six campuses, including Penn State World Campus, will each be awarded $500 to compete in the Prototype Phase of the 2021 Nittany AI Challenge. Teams were selected based on their potential for positive impact on the world, all using AI for Good to develop solutions that address real-world challenges in education, environment, health and humanitarianism.